Removes 99.9% of contaminants
Highest-grade stainless steel
Natural activated carbon filtration
Planet-friendly purification
Fresh taste you can trust
10 year warranty, 100 day money back guarantee
Say hello to healthier hydration.
The Phoenix Gravity Water Filter
Smart Carbon Cartridges
A better way to drink water, naturally.

If you don’t like your water filter, within 100 days we’ll give you a full refund.
Your health can only be as good as your water.
We’re always told to drink more water, but do you know what it actually does?
The quality of your water impacts the quality of your sleep, skin, hair, immunity, brain power, health - and much, much more. Your body is made up of 60% water you are what you drink.
But nutrient-rich, impurity-free water isn’t always on tap.
Less than 1 percent of the earth’s freshwater is accessible and over three billion people globally are at risk of disease because of unknown water quality. Almost all of UK waters are polluted and almost a third of Europe’s groundwater bodies are significantly affected by pollution.
Tap water can be contaminated by heavy metals, pesticides, chlorine byproducts, industrial pollutants and more - compromising its quality, taste, and impact on our health.
We’re here to change that.
What Phoenix Gravity Water Filters remove?
Here’s How It Works
Better quality you can taste, on tap
We’re here for your hydration.
We believe that great-tasting, impurity-free water
is a basic right - not a privilege. As the world’s leading manufacturer of gravity water flters, we’re on a mission to make healthier hydration accessible to everyone,
wherever they need it most.
We also happen to be one of the oldest kids on the
block, bringing water back to its straight-from-the-
source purity since 1978.